Adaptive ERP

For Manufacturers in a Disruptive World


A QAD Thought Stream
May 19, 2021

Are You Ready For Tomorrow?

Supply chains and supplier relationships are complex even without a global pandemic.

QAD Tomorrow, an hour long thought stream, will focus on the challenges you face, the root causes and best practices for optimizing supply chain efficiency and agility.

You’ll hear from QAD customers about the challenges they face including:
  • Lack of real-time information flow with suppliers
  • Complex cross border trade regulations
  • Constant pressure to control and reduce procurement costs
  • Rapidly changing customer demands including an expectation of shorter delivery times
  • Increased inventory and warehousing costs
Industry experts will share insights on the root causes of supplier management challenges, and best practices for overcoming them.

A diagnostic tool will be provided that can help you assess where your integrated supplier management capabilities stand today and where to prioritize improvements in the future.

What is Integrated Supplier Management?

In today’s disruptive business environment, manufacturers require the exchange of real-time information with supply trading partners to better respond to market volatility and changing customer demands. There are benefits for developing closer relationships with suppliers to better manage the procurement of goods, rapidly respond to supply disruptions and reduce supply risks.

Integrated Supplier Management creates value for manufacturers by improving supplier collaboration and supply chain visibility allowing for faster responses to supply and demand changes.


If you have any questions or need more information, please contact us at [email protected].